Billing cycles

General Info

SipSim billing cycle runs from 00:00:00 of 1st day of each month till 23:59:59 of last day of the month.

During this time you can use your bundles, change it, cancel it, subscribe to additional services or use services that not included in your bundle on pay-as-you-go basis.

In this regard following rules are apllyed to each SipSim user:

  1. Any billable actions will immediately affect your SipSim balance;
  2. Users/Subscribers that belong to your account have no separate balance and their billable actions will affect the your account's balance;
  3. Plans and services are prorated at the begining;
  4. Plans and services are not prorated at the end;
  5. Usage volume that is included in bundles is prorated
  6. Plan or services that was canceled will stay active till the prepaid end date.

Below you can see examples of how this principles works in the most common situations.

1. Billing events

Billing Freeze. Billing process takes time, so at the last day of each month all the changes in account subscribtions become prohibited: change, cancel or create new subscribtions to Plans or Services. Otherwise billing cycle should be restarted each time such an action takes place. To avoid it system has such kind of restriction. Billing Freeze lasts till new billing cycle is started and all necessary adjustments to user balances are made.

Balance Adjustments. After previous billing cycle was closed and new one was started SipSim billing calculates all the chargers that were applyied in previous month and renew all the services subscribed and make corrections to account balance accordingly.

Cycle closing. Happens at 23:59:59.999 of the last day of each month.

New cycle start. Happens at 00:00:00 of the first day of each month. All the usage that appeared after start of new cycle will be attached to the new open billing cycle.

2. Proration

All SipSim plans and services are prorated at the begignig. This means if you subscribe for a Plan A at the middle of the month you will be charged only for the half of plan's cost as you will be using it only half of the billing cycle.

In this example you can see how your balance will change if you subscribe for a plan that costs 1000€ per month after 60% of the billing cycle has expired: you will be charged only 400€ till the end of the month and in the new billging cycle you will be charged full 1000€ for the new month. This will allow you to pay 1400€ instead 2000€ subscribtion fee for 2 months.

Not only the price is prorated but also the usage included in a bundle. In the example above, you can see, that if you additionaly subscribe to a 10 Gb service that costs 100€, after 80% month has passed, you will be charded accordingly only for 20€ in current billing cycle but also amount of included usage will increase proportionally for only 2 Gb. As soon as new billing cycle begins, you will be charged full 100€ subscribtion fee for that service and your account/SIM card will be granted additional 10 Gb of data for the whole new month.

3. Canceling plans ans services

SipSim plans and services are not prorated at the end. That means if you unsubscribe/cancel any plan or service it will stay active till the end of billing cycle and you balance will not be recharged for unused time/volume and such actions are not a subject for the refund of any kind.

We will not limit your included usage after cancelling a plan so you can enjoy SipSim services till the end of current billing cycle. Any usage that is not included in bundle during that time will be charged in accordance to the price and tariffs.

4. Plan changing

When you change your Plan to another one it's not considered as canceling and subscribing to another one. It's considered instead as changing the cost of the plan, thats why plans and services are always prorated both at the beginning and at the end.

In this example you can see how your balance will change if you subscribe for Plan A that costs 1000€ per months and then at the middle of next billing cycle change it to Plan B that costs 1500€ per month: your account will be charged only for the delta of plans prices divided by the percentage of time remained in current billing cycle.

This rule works quite the same if you change your plan for a cheaper one. This example illustrates the same process of changing Plan A to Plan B that costs 500€ per month instead of 1000€:

5. Usage

Any service usage out of the bundle or if service is not included will be charged immediately (up to 1 hour delay is possible) in current billing cycle.